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Multi-Agency CLR February 3rd Meeting Notes - #14

03 Feb 2021 11:21 PM | Alla Kostenko

View the meeting recording here. The passcode for recording is %wwJAWd6 

For complete copy of meeting notes, click here.


WEDNESDAY, February 3, 2021 9:30AM

Teleconferencing via ZOOM 




o   HDOA


      Due to rain, surveys have slowed, restarted across the state this week

      Maunawili- tightened protocol in regards to sanitation

      Surveyed two other sites on Oahu and both negative

      No significant changes on other islands

      Lanai has been officially confirmed

      Official confirmation for Oahu is in process

       Role of HDOA 

      2 FTEs places CLR on a lower priority for HDOA than needed

      Regulatory issue - HDOA and PPQ play a big role in

      Mid term and long term - given lack of money, HDOA should have a larger role but lacks funding and support

      Lead coordinator in CLR efforts 

o   Asked Senate in testimony for lead Coordinator (State and Federal level) for CLR task - Issue a contract for HDOA 

      Asking for meeting notes from APHIS and HDOA

       Emergency Declaration

       Section 18 leadership

      Reporting requirements & template

      Enforcement requirements and protocols

      Enhanced outreach and education plan relating to the Section 18

      John McHugh waiver

       Update re PBARC amended quarantine conditions: Next week

o   HCGA

       Section 18 Application Update

      Draft complete by McHugh and delivered by Scott Enright

      Remaining items: receivables from HDOA (enforcement protocol and outreach) and from BASF (manufacturer) - hope to have this itemized list finalized this week after meeting this week


o   USDA


      Testing resistance of varietals already growing in Hawaii

o   Tupi and Obata seedlings - will be lab testing shortly (within the month)


o   Still waiting on the race of CLR we have

       Possibly general race 2

o   Working with perdue on genome testing to determine general location that CLR came from

      CLR Survey update in PDF

o   Makalei to South Kona - found that out of those 25 lots, 17 were positive, avg was 3-5% 

       APHIS role

      Strategic Plan to control Coffee Leaf Rust in Hawaii

o   Funding for CLR coordinator 

       No APHIS funding at this time, will have to come from congress

o   Implementation

o   Support for task 9 - econ analysis by PBARC

o   Import CLR resistant varieties into Hawaii

       Tracie submitted request 4 weeks ago and needs HDOA to act on this ASAP


For complete copy of meeting notes, click here.

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