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HCA Member Updates - May Newsletter

24 May 2021 2:23 PM | Alla Kostenko

Hawaii Coffee Association


Aloha, HCA Members!

Our members recently voted for a change to the HCA Bylaws, which would allow for annual membership meetings and Board of Directors elections by electronic means including but not limited to video conferencing. This voting resulted in the approval of the suggested amendment. Thanks to each of you for casting your vote! A special mahalo to Dave Bateman, our bylaws committee chair, for his hard work on managing this process.

Annual Membership Meeting Notice

Our 2021 Annual membership meeting will take the form of a webinar on June 24 and 25 during our Virtual Conference. Our team has worked hard to develop a program that addresses the needs of our industry. Please register for the webinar here.

12th Statewide Cupping Competition

We are continuing our traditions with the HCA’s 12th Statewide Cupping Competition. Our event coordinator, volunteer staff and the folks at Pacific Coffee Research are working tirelessly to plan and execute this event remotely. Please join us as we celebrate some of Hawaii’s best coffees and recognize the outstanding producers that grow it.

Virtual Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

The two-day virtual conference will feature some of the industry’s most prominent leaders, researchers and educators. In conjunction with the webinar, we will be hosting Board Elections and our 12th Annual Statewide Cupping Competition and a Virtual Awards Ceremony. This event will offer an opportunity for your business or organization to show its support for our industry. We respectfully ask you to consider one of the sponsorship levels outlined here. The HCA needs you now more than ever! 

Recruitment of Directors

Do you have skills to share? Please help support our industry by volunteering for our numerous projects and committees. We have lots of opportunities, particularly as life returns to normal. Please write to us at Marketing, promotion and fundraising are but a few.

Please also consider lending your hand to the leadership of the HCA. We will be electing a new Board Of Directors during the Virtual Conference. Please contact our Nominating Committee Chair Tom Greenwell at The elections will be held via electronic ballot, much like our recent bylaws amendment. Please check your inboxes for further announcements.

Botanigard and Mycotrol Reimbursement

This is the LAST quarter of this fiscal year (June 1) to apply for 50% reimbursement for your Botanigard and Mycotrol receipts for July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020. Get your application in soon while the funds are available!! Start online here, or email Melanie Bondera at for a pdf, or call her at 808-323-7578.

SB855 Passed

Our work paid off! SB855 passed both chambers of Hawaii’s state legislature and is waiting for Governor Ige’s signature. This measure extends HDOA’s CBB Pesticide Subsidy Program and expands it to include control for Coffee Leaf Rust. A special mahalo and congratulations to Senate Majority Leader Sen. Dru Mamo Kanuha for his leadership and to all of our friends at the Capitol and Hawaii Department of Agriculture for their unwavering support of our industry. Thanks to all who testified on this and other important legislation. It's important that we make our voices heard!

Hope to see you at the conference!

Until then, stay well,

Christopher A. Manfredi
Hawaii Coffee Association

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