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Presentations From 2012 Conference

Effectives of trapping, fungus and Surround WP as management alternatives for the coffee berry borer. Dr. Elsie Burbano Greco. PEPS, CTAHR, UHM.

Coffee Berry borer in Kona : alternate hosts and alternate approaches. Dr. Russell Messing, PEPS, CTAHR, UHM

Update on Quarantine, Containment and Biocontrol of Coffee Berry Borer. Dr. Neil Reimer, Hawaii Department of Agriculture.

Integrated CBB Management Program (in Panama).
Graciano Cruz, Panama coffee grower.

Update on the CBB Battle at Ground Zero - Kona. Andrea Kawabata, Extension Agent, TPSS, CTAHR, UHM.

Using Beauveria as part of an integrated approach for control of coffee berry borer. Robert Hollingsworth, PBARC , ARS, USDA.

CTAHR's Coffee Research and Extension Update 2012:Saturdayof CBB. Dr. HC Bittenbender, Extension Specialist, TPSS, CTAHR,UHM presents the activities of his colleagues.

U.S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center 2012 Coffee Research Update. Dr. Robert Hollingsworth present his and colleagues activities on coffee.

HARC Coffee Research Report. Dr. Chifumi Nagai presents for Hawaii Agriculture Research Center.

SHAC - Synergistic Hawaii Agriculture Council : introduction of HCA. Steve Collector presents this new partnership to gain funds to support control of CBB.

Kauai Growers Report

The Maui Coffee Association Upcountry Maui Growers Report contact Gerry Ross

Maui Grown Coffee contact Kimo Falconer

Coffees of Hawaii- Molokai contact Maria Holmes

Kona District Grower's Report Presented by Tom Greenwell

Kau Coffee Growers' Origin Report Presented by Chris Manfredi

Coffee Flower Research Update by Dr. Tracie Matsumoto

Expanding into the Tea Industry: a commentary for Coffee industry professionals by Jessie Ford, Teas of Hawaii

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