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News, updates and resources related to Coffee Leaf Rust

  • 16 Jun 2021 10:57 PM | Alla Kostenko

    View the meeting recording here. The passcode for recording is ka*S0w5B.

  • 16 Jun 2021 10:56 PM | Alla Kostenko

    Webinar by the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Pesticides Branch on the use of Priaxor fungicide to manage coffee leaf rust.

    Contact:  Pesticides Branch - (808) 973-9402


  • 03 Jun 2021 11:03 PM | Alla Kostenko

    View the meeting recording here. The passcode for recording is qfn0e^=y.

  • 21 May 2021 11:04 PM | Alla Kostenko

    Aloha HCA members,

    On Thursday the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved a request from the Hawai`i Department of Agriculture (HDOA) to allow the use of a specific fungicide to help Hawai`i coffee growers manage and control the coffee leaf rust (CLR), a devastating plant pathogen.

    The fungicide, Priaxor® Xemium, is not currently labeled by the EPA for specific use on coffee plants, but it is allowed for use to control fungi on leafy vegetables, strawberries, tomatoes, soybeans, wheat and many other crops. In March 2021, HDOA filed a request for a specific exemption with the EPA to allow the use of the fungicide on coffee plants. HDOA was notified of the approval of the emergency exemption yesterday which allows the fungicide to be used for up to one year or until use on coffee plants is added to the product label by EPA and the product’s producer.

    The Hawaii Coffee Association wishes to thank the leadership and staff ant Hawaii’s Department of Agriculture, the University of Hawaii CTAHR, the US Environmental Protection Agency, USDA, BASF, The Hawaii Coffee Growers Association, Nutrien and all who contributed to this expedited application and approval. The ability for Priaxor, a translaminar fungicide, to be safely used on coffee is a major milestone in the battle against Coffee Leaf Rust in Hawaii. We have worked long and hard to ensure a rapid approval, timely education, and ensured ample supply of this product locally. We again thank and congratulate all who contributed to this effort.

    PLEASE READ HDOA’s press release here.

    Additionally our members discovered a Prevention and Control of Coffee Leaf Rust handbook that we think will be useful to you. You can view and download it here.

    A big mahalo to our friends at Pacific Coffee Research for locating and sharing this handbook.

    With warm Aloha,

    Christopher A. Manfredi
    Hawaii Coffee Association

  • 20 May 2021 11:04 PM | Alla Kostenko

    View the meeting recording here. The passcode for recording is o#P7#v#4.

  • 10 May 2021 11:07 PM | Alla Kostenko

    Please see the links below for the recorded presentations on CLR and CBB management. Once you click each link you will be able to see the title and select different presentations to view. There is a lot of really important information in these presentations from many professionals working in these fields. I hope you find the information useful in guiding your management practices. Please share widely with the coffee-growing community.

    Session 1 playlist link:

    Session 2 playlist link:

    Session 3 playlist link:

    Session 4 playlist link:

  • 07 May 2021 11:07 PM | Alla Kostenko

    Section 18 Outreach Questions from HDOA Pesticides Branch Zoom Outreach April 2021:

    ·       Email address for notification and reporting:
    ·       Pesticides Branch Education Specialists:
    o   Kauai: Emilee Wedekind-Balualua, 808-241-7140 or 808-754-0380
    o   Oahu: Esther Reichert, 808-973-9424 or 808-824-0797
    o   Oahu: Adam Yamamoto, 808-973-9409 or 808-824-1056
    o   Maui: Mitchell MacCluer, 808-873-3078 or 808-793-7035
    o   Hawaii: Cal Westergard, 808-974-4143 or 808-640-9076
    ·       What happens if weather conditions are not favorable? Who should we notify?
    o   Please notify your nearest HDOA Pesticide Education Specialist or call the HDOA Pesticide direct line at 808-973-9402.
    ·       Can you spray Priaxor Xemium on or near waterways?
    o   No, the original section 3 label does not allow application to water or to areas where surface water is present.
    ·       Where is this going to be available and what is the approximate cost of Priaxor Xemium?
    o   BEI, Nutrien Ag, and Simplot are the known distributors but there may be others the Department is not aware of. Current estimates provided by one dealer stated the cost at around $500 per gallon.
    ·       Is there a minimum or maximum amount of time required in between the currently registered coffee leaf rust products applications and Priaxor Xemium?
    o   Please read the label of all products. Specific products have requirements that must be followed and not all products are not the same.
    ·       How does Priaxor Xemium actually work?
    o   Priaxor forms a protective barrier on the leaf surface and along with translaminar properties will stop infection from germinating spores and subsequent colonization on the underside of the leaf surface. Good coverage is going to be critical. It does not cure existing disease. 14-21 day residual activity.
    ·       Is Priaxor Xemium a restricted use pesticide?
    o   No, the product is licensed as a general use pesticide and does not require a certified applicator.
    ·       Are mister blower applications allowed?
    o   Yes, there is no specific section 18 requirement for mister blower applications. Please read the section 3 label for other restrictions for application types.
    ·       What is the time frame between spraying and picking coffee cherries?
    o   Pre-harvest interval is 45 days from application. Please read the section 3 label for other restrictions.
    ·       Will Priaxor eliminate the currently approved products?
    o   No, please work with the extension agent to ensure proper rotation of chemicals.
    ·       Will the powerpoints be made available to the general public?
    o   Yes, we’re working with our public information officer to update and upload the presentation.
    ·       Will on-site inspections be conducted?
    o   Yes, using the notification system, all applicators will be randomized and one applicator per county per week will be contacted by an inspector to view an in-person application.
    ·       Is there a preferred way to apply Priaxor Xemium?
    o   The manufacturer did not specify so it is up to the applicator to make that determination.
    ·       Can I mix Priaxor Xemium with other chemicals?
    o   You CAN NOT mix Priaxor Xemium with emulsifiable concentrate (EV) formulation or solvent-based formulation products. Do not mix with Crop oil concentrate (COC), methylated seed oil (MSO), or MSO/OS blended adjuvant products.
    ·       Should I use a sticker?
    o   No, use a surfactant that will help Priaxor Xemium spread on the leaf rather than stick to the leaves.
    ·       Have other countries used Priaxor Xemium?
    o   Yes, Costa Rica, Brazil, India, and Puerto Rico.
    ·       What if I can’t abide by the 45 day pre-harvest interval?
    o   You should not use Priaxor Xemium if you intend to harvest within 45 days.
    ·       Who is requesting/requiring all of the personal information?
    o   Due to the exemption from FIFRA/EPA, HDOA requires personal information for the use in randomizing enforcement. The EPA also requires reporting for all Section 18s.
    ·       How long is the Section 18 going to be active?
    o   Once approved the Section 18 is good for 1 year. If the Section 3 label is not approved by then, HDOA will pursue an extension.
    ·       I have multiple properties but are not tied together by one TMK, can I apply to my farm?
    o   Yes, as long as all the TMKs are under the same field then you may apply without the 25 foot buffer restriction. You may use one container for multiple TMKs.
    ·       What if my neighbor is a coffee farmer and we both agree that we want to treat our fields up to the edge of our properties, can we do that by agreement?
    o   No, the label requires a 25 foot buffer between fields, even though you may have an agreement with your neighbor and would like to treat that 25 feet. You would have to look for alternative products to treat that area.
    ·       Can I make a copy of the Section 18 label?
    o   Yes, you may make a copy of the Section 18 label. It does not have to be the label that was provided by the dealer. 
    ·       How detailed is the monitoring and sanitation reporting requirements for the Use Report?
    o   General information is accepted. How often you monitor, how you monitor, what you’re looking for, etc. For the sanitation you may refer to CATHR and CES sanitation/decontamination guidelines.
    ·       Where can I bring samples to, to determine if I have a CLR issue?
    o   Please send photos via email to or bring samples to Andrea’s Kona office.
    ·       What is the effect of Priaxor on Beauveria bassiana products?
    o   Do not mix Priaxor Xemium with Beauveria bassiana products.
    ·       Is the Department taking a stance on recently published information regarding the use of fertilizers to combat CLR?
    o   Healthier plants do tend to resist CLR better, but more Hawaii specific data is necessary.
    ·       Will the Department or CTAHR or CES provide a schedule for growers?
    o   No, there are too many variables for one agency or organization to provide a schedule for ALL growers. Ensure you follow the label requirements.
    ·       Has there been a verification of change in taste or cupping quality?
    o   There has been no information provided to the Department regarding taste.
  • 05 May 2021 11:08 PM | Alla Kostenko

    View the meeting recording here. The passcode for recording is Wp=M#e14.

    For complete copy of meeting notes, click here.


    Wednesday, May 5, 2021 8:30AM

    Teleconferencing via ZOOM 




    o   HDOA


          No additional site positive

          Production areas on Oahu are free from CLR (Dole and Greenworld)

          Continues to spread in Kona, hoping expansion will slow

          Watchful of environmental conditions for expression in different areas like Hilo

           Section 18 Submittal (Updates)

          Outreach and education relating to the Section 18

    o   15 attendees, compiling a list for more targeted approach for WPS

    o   Requests for WPS training

    o   Meeting was recorded and will be shared when available

    o   HCA will make a call for farm managers 

    o   FAQs will be posted to the pesticide website

          Draft Label

    o   No updates 

    o   45 days is not a hard timeline but a general cut off time frame for producers to use the pesticide

    o   Approval timing is not available 

    o   48/49 days from submittal

          Notification and Use Reports

    o   Sent out last week to dealers

    o   FAQs will be sent to dealers

          Worker Protection Standards

          Any outstanding issues?

          25’ setback

    o   25 foot setback (from “edge of field”) need to be followed, even if you have approval from neighboring parcels

           Spray Webinar with UH April 1 and April 8 recording(?)

          decent turnout (120 attendees)

          Cannot release recording due to incorrect information

          Webinar with spanish translation or in spanish

          Considering in-person workshop, adhere to COVID restrictions

          Andrea and Mitch do a closed outreach event, recorded

    o   Will provide less opportunities for misinformation

    o   “scripted presentation”

           Amnesty for varietals already in Hawaii (resistance, yield, cup quality)

          HRS 150a-14 f does talk about surrendering plant material without permit

    o   Would have to be changed legislatively

    o   Not an amnesty issue, asking for a pardon


    For complete copy of meeting notes, click here.

  • 22 Apr 2021 11:09 PM | Alla Kostenko

    View the meeting recording here. The passcode for recording is DO3umi7=.

  • 08 Apr 2021 11:10 PM | Alla Kostenko

    View the meeting recording here. The passcode for recording is K15fm!#E.

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